Carbon County, Wyoming Annual Events

Find upcoming events including rodeos, concerts, festivals, performing arts, family events, & more.

This is an ever changing event list that we update as we receive confirmed dates from event coordinators. We encourage you to contact event organizers to confirm details as event dates and times may change.

If you are hosting an event please make sure to let us know. We can help promote local events through our events calendar & social media. You can submit your event for inclusion in our visitor marketing efforts online.

1 First Day Hike Ft. Fred Steele
8 Kids Ice Fishing Clinic Saratoga
15-16 Saratoga Lake Ice Fishing Derby Saratoga
21-22 Nubbins Monthly Pool Tournament Saratoga
28-29 Annual Sierra Madre Winter Carnival Encampment
1 Making the Most of Abundant Winter Snowpack Medicine Bow
5-6  Saratoga Skijoring Races Saratoga
18-19 Nubbins Monthly Pool Tournament Saratoga
19 Winter Fore Carbon County Winter Golf Classic Saratoga
20 Upper Valley Search & Rescue Poker Run Encampment
24-27 Without Limits Invitational Poker Run Saratoga
26-27 Silver Bullet Shooting Tournament Rawlins
26-27 Pepsi Premier Racquetball Tournament Rawlins
18-19 Nubbins Monthly Pool Tournament Saratoga
7 C.J. Box Book Signing (CC Museum) Rawlins
7-10 Wyoming Open Pool Tournament Saratoga
29-30 Nubbins Monthly Pool Tournament Saratoga
1 Outdoor Shooting Range Opening Rawlins
13 Riverside Visitor Center Opening Day Riverside
27 Grand Encampment Museum Opening Day Encampment
27-28 Nubbins Monthly Pool Tournament Saratoga
28 Ft. Fred Steele Historic Site Opening Day Ft Steele
28 Wyoming Frontier Prison Opening Rawlins
28 Museums Summer Season Opening Days Various
28 C.J. Box Book Signing @GEM Encampment
4 Marion Baker Memorial Shoot Encampment
10-11 Tale of Two Cities Disc Golf Encampment/Riverside
11 Brews & BBQ Rawlins
11 Mark Miller Lecture @ Book Signing @ GEM Encampment
11 C.J. Box Book Signing @ Saratoga Museum Saratoga
17-19 Woodchoppers Jamboree Encampment
23 Music in the Park Rawlins
24-25 King Coal Days Hanna
30 Music in the Park Rawlins
2 Ned Ledoux & Saratoga Days Saratoga
2 Platte Valley Kiwanis Cornhole Tournament Saratoga
2-3 Platte Valley Festival of the Arts Saratoga
2-3 Little Snake River Rodeo Dixon
7 Music in the Park - “Jacob Christopher Band” Rawlins
7-10 76th Wyoming Ranchers Family Camp Encampment
8 Splash Pad Dedication Rawlins
8-9 Blown Away at SummerFest Rawlins
8-9 Platte River Rodeo Saratoga
14 Music in the Park- “Arron Davis & the Mystery Machine” Rawlins
15-17 Grand Encampment Cowboy Gathering Encampment
21 Music in the Park – “Mark Berger & the Ride “ Rawlins
22-24 Mountain Man Rendezvous Encampment
23 Living History Day at GEM Encampment
23 Open Class Horse Show Rawlins Fairgrounds
28 Music in the Park Rawlins
31 Carbon County Fair Opening Day Rawlins Fairgrounds
1-6 Carbon County Fair and Rodeo Rawlins
3 “Chancy Williams” @ CC Fair & Rodeo Rawlins
4 “Hell on Wheels Rodeo” @ CC Fair & Rodeo Rawlins
6 Community Barbecue & Music in the Park Encampment
6 Rawtown Riot Demo Derby Rawlins
11 Music in the Park – “Studebaker John and the Hawks” Rawlins
12 Cow Plop Festibull Rawlins
19-20 8th Annual Quilt Retreat Encampment
19-20 “Buffalo Bill” History Symposium @GEM Encampment
19-27 Tramway Days @GEM Encampment
20 26th Annual Steinley Cup Microbrew Festival Saratoga
20 Riverside Party Day Riverside
26 “Sleuthing with Joe Picket “- Trivia Contest Saratoga
27 Annual Historic Trek @GEM Encampment
28 Battle of the Gravel Savery
5 Ft. Fred Steele Historic Site Closing Day Ft Steele
5 Wyoming Frontier Prison – End of Summer Season Rawlins
5 End of Summer Season hours at many museums Various
9 Party on the Platte Saratoga
10-11 Chug n’Tug Copper Days Festival, Tractor Pull, Encampment & Engine Show Encampment
18 Brewfest Rawlins
TBA Nubbins Pool Tournament Saratoga
1-31 Pumpkin Patch Rawlins
7 ArtBeat Rawlins
15 Harvest Festival Rawlins
28-29, 31 Haunted Tours @ WY Frontier Prison Rawlins
31 Safe Trick or Treat in Downtown Rawlins Rawlins
31 Safe Trick or Treat @ Rawlins Rec Center Rawlins
TBA Nubbins Pool Tournament Saratoga
1 Indoor Shooting Range Opening Day Rawlins
12 Blue Jean Ball Rawlins
25 Blue Plaid Friday Rawlins
25-30 Rawlins Winterfest Rawlins
26 Small Business Saturday Rawlins & Saratoga
TBA Nubbins Pool Tournament Saratoga
1 Starlight Christmas Parade Rawlins
1-4 Rawlins Winterfest Rawlins
3 Annual Christmas out of the Big House Rawlins
3-10 Festival of Wreaths & Trees Rawlins
9 Festival of Trees Gala & Auction Saratoga
10 Winter Wonderland & Lighted Christmas Parade Saratoga
TBA Nubbins Pool Tournament Saratoga
January 2023
21-22 Saratoga Lake Ice Fishing Derby Saratoga
27-28 Sierra Madre Winter Carnival Encampment
TBA Nubbins Pool Tournament Saratoga

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